Selected projects (6)

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Alien Invaders

Sep 12 2024


Developing a simple game in Processing inspired from the Japanese 1978 fixed shooter video game whil...

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Mar 18 2023


The goal of this project is to educate others about JavaScript basics while building a HTML/CSS webp...

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Fruit Rain

Dec 09 2024


Fruit Rain is an educational game designed to teach students of all ages the fundamentals of Java pr...

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Jedi Sphero

Mar 08 2024


Teaches algorithmic thinking by programming a Sphero robot to navigate a maze.

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Monster Makey

Mar 08 2023


Teaching students new technologies and basic sound editing skills with Audacity and Makey Makey.

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Virtual Warriors

Jul 16 2024


Using Virtual Reality and Roblox Studio, the aim of this project is to garner an increased interest ...